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Property Information(MLS# 825948)

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Status: Active
Floyd Twp O'Brien County, Sheldon, IA 51201





Listed by : CENTURY 21 PROLINK - LE MARS, JIM KLEIN (712.546.6833)
Price Adjustment


Status: Active
750 Larkspur Way, Sheldon, IA 51201





Listed by : ISB SERVICES INC, COREY ELGERSMA (712.324.0104)


Status: Active
0005042400, Sheldon, IA 51201





Listed by : ISB SERVICES INC, COREY ELGERSMA (712.324.0104)


Status: Active
1411 Rainbow Dr., Sheldon, IA 51201





Listed by : ISB SERVICES INC, COREY ELGERSMA (712.324.0104)
Price Decreased


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William Schindler

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Sarah Galles

Cell: 712.501.9128

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Sioux City Musketeers golf tourney

Sioux City Musketeers golf tourney in Sioux City

The Re/MAX team recently played in the annual Sioux City Musketeers golf outing. Two Rivers Golf Course was in great shape and pro Rod Slater has put in significant effort in upgrading amenities. The Muskies are celebrating their 50th anniversary during the 2021-2022 season. The group Coach Strand brought in a next level class this year, with a number of players destined for the NHL. Travis Morgan is sure to have the Tyson Events Center ready to rock as Sioux City's beloved Musketeers take the ice. To learn more about the squad or grab tickets, click link.


YMCA in LeMars

Looking for family fun or a place to get your work out on? The Le Mars YMCA located at 241 12th Street SE offers more than just a gym! They have many classes to choose from whether it's for kiddos or yourself! You're sure to find a sport or activity such as basketball, aquatics, Zumba, Pilates or a full body workout, this is the spot for pure family fun! Also, don't miss out on how you can give back by donating throughout the year with their Blood Drive. The Life Serve Blood Center and the Le Mars YMCA have a schedule on the website you can check out and see how you can help save a life!

Four Seasons Health Club

Four Seasons Health Club in Sioux City

When it comes to maintaining both my physical and mental health, there is no place I would rather be than at the gym. The discipline built from consistently pushing myself in the gym allows me to have the capacity to go the extra mile for all my clients. Whether you are a beginner or a fitness expert, there is no place I would recommend more than Four Seasons Health Club. A local gym that provides community and limitless opportunities for personal development. Join me and click the link to learn more information!

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