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William Schindler

Cell: 712.490.6965

Sarah Galles

Cell: 712.501.9128

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Plymouth County Courthouse

Plymouth County Courthouse in LeMars

In Plymouth County Iowa, the year of 2020 it had a population of nearly 26,000 people and the county was formed way back in 1872! The history of the Plymouth County Courthouse is a spectacular building that was built of red sandstone in the year 1900 and is certainly something to admire! If your moving to Le Mars or anywhere in Plymouth County, this is where you would come for various reasons to see your local, Recorder, Assessor, Motor Vehicle Registration, Voters Registration, Clerk of Court, Treasurer and much more! This beautifully preserved building is located at 215 4th Ave SE. Le Mars, IA 51031.

The Warrior Hotel & Blue Bird Flats

The Warrior Hotel & Blue Bird Flats in Sioux City

The investment into downtown and entreprenuerial spirit in Sioux City has been on another level in recent years. In the January edition of Siouxland magazine, we highlighted the beautification through a pandemic in our inaugural installment of The Market Experience. Check out excerpts and insight into the art deco chique autograph collection property that is the Warrior Hotel and the beautiful resurgence of the Sioux City Motor Mart and Commerce Building now elegantly named Blue Bird Flats. Click link for the entire article! 

Musketeer Hockey Games

Musketeer Hockey Games in Sioux City

If you are looking for some fun entertainment, whether by yourself, a friend or two, or with your family, remember to check out the Sioux City Musketeer Hockey games!! There is a ton of buzzing excitement with music, games, and competition in an uplifting atmosphere. You cannot forget to have one of my favorite delicious game time snacks - a soft pretzel with cheese! Pictured: postgame Sled Hockey.

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